Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Magic, Madness & Ultramarathon Running

Andy Mouncey: if you see his name on the
 start list, it's not going to be an easy race ...
If you've ever experienced an Alpine Oasis running camp, then you'll know the force of nature that is our coach Andy Mouncey: an inspirational ultrarunner; a great coach and motivator, and an all-round nice chap. If you haven't met Andy yet, then hold on tight ... and read on.

Amidst his hectic programme of training, coaching and public speaking, Andy's made the time to pull together the gripping tale of his own ultrarunning story so far in his inspirational new book, Magic, Madness and Ultramarathon Running. In it, he gives an entertaining and very honest account of the highs - and lows! - of his experiences

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Peak District, Easter 2012: trail-tastic!

Run, eat, run, eat, sleep. Run more, eat more, sleep sounder. Eat more, run again. A perfect recipe for a trail running Easter, and that’s exactly what Simon, Hannele and the Alpine Oasis team enjoyed in the Peak District last weekend.

We all met up on Friday night at our B&B in a rather wet and cloudy Hope, and over our evening pub supper - complete with Guinness! - we all got to know each other and talked through the itinerary for the weekend.